Marksman-Taktická mierenka

27.11.2022 na našej strelnici sa uskutoční strelecká súťaž v mierenej streľbe s disciplínou aj na 300 m Všetci ste vítaní.

Legálne použitie zbrane na osobnú ochranu

Vážený záujemca,   dňa 16. 11. 2022 o 17.00 hod sa uskutoční prednáška "LEGÁLNE POUŽITIE ZBRANE NA OSOBNÚ OBRANU" v salóniku hotela DOUBLE TREE BY HILTON v Košiciach . Program: 16:30 - 17:00 Registrácia 17:00...


Strelecké púzdro - The One Ghost Holster

Úvod IPSC VÝBAVA GHOSTStrelecké púzdro - The One Ghost Holster

Strelecké púzdro - The One Ghost Holster

Výrobca: Ghost
Dostupnosť: vypredané
134,99 €

Strelecké púzdro - The One Ghost Holster

The One Ghost Holster - Black

DESCRIPTION – Ghost The One holster

Ghost The One is the first holster created by Sandro Amadini, specifically studied for sport shooters.

Locking system consists from a polymer locking sphere, that provides security and speed drawing of the gun. The One holster has a completely adjustable barrel support, that offers support for all barrel lengths, and the belt attachment is the same as on the Super Ghost Ultimate and The Thunder holster.


DETAILS – Ghost The One holster

  • Polymere sphere locking system
  • Adjustable barrel support
  • Compatible belt attachement


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