Marksman-Taktická mierenka

27.11.2022 na našej strelnici sa uskutoční strelecká súťaž v mierenej streľbe s disciplínou aj na 300 m Všetci ste vítaní.

Legálne použitie zbrane na osobnú ochranu

Vážený záujemca,   dňa 16. 11. 2022 o 17.00 hod sa uskutoční prednáška "LEGÁLNE POUŽITIE ZBRANE NA OSOBNÚ OBRANU" v salóniku hotela DOUBLE TREE BY HILTON v Košiciach . Program: 16:30 - 17:00 Registrácia 17:00...


Gun Butter’s Trigger and Locking Lug Grease

Úvod ČISTENIEGun Butter’s Trigger and Locking Lug Grease

Gun Butter’s Trigger and Locking Lug Grease

GunButter's Trigger & Locking Lug Grease

Vazelína na zbrane.


Výhodou vazelíny GunButter's Trigger & Locking Lug Greaseje jednoduchá aplikácia formou iniekčnej striekačky. Vazelína neodtečie ako olej z naneseného miesta a znesie vysoké teploty. Preto je vynikajúca na aplikáciu rôznych trecich plôch zbraní. Je červenej farby a pri priamej aplikácií si viete odkontrolovať jej nanesenie na určené miesta.


Dostupnosť: vypredané
19,95 €

Gun Butter’s Trigger and Locking Lug Grease

Gun Butter’s Trigger and Locking Lug Grease is a new technology reducing the moment of inertia in moving parts and protection of high impact surfaces.

It will out perform conventional graphite and molly greases and offers many times the adhesion." Trigger Butter" was used exclusively for years in competition by our team. Now blessed by our professional shooters, Gun Butter’s Trigger and Locking Lug Grease, is now available for the first time to all shooters of any level concerned with protection and performance.

Suggest application:
* Placed in hammer hooks
* Sear tip and pressure pads / contact points
* The sear spring tip
* Upper and lower locking lugs on the barrel

Also suggested for use on the hammer strut contact point with the cup for the hammer spring.

Use sparingly

Note: We do not recommend use on slides surfaces, as the performance of Gun Butter alone is optimal.

15 cc’s

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