Marksman-Taktická mierenka

27.11.2022 na našej strelnici sa uskutoční strelecká súťaž v mierenej streľbe s disciplínou aj na 300 m Všetci ste vítaní.

Legálne použitie zbrane na osobnú ochranu

Vážený záujemca,   dňa 16. 11. 2022 o 17.00 hod sa uskutoční prednáška "LEGÁLNE POUŽITIE ZBRANE NA OSOBNÚ OBRANU" v salóniku hotela DOUBLE TREE BY HILTON v Košiciach . Program: 16:30 - 17:00 Registrácia 17:00...


Gun Bore Rope Cleaner

Úvod ČISTENIEGun Bore Rope Cleaner

Gun Bore Rope Cleaner

Dostupnosť: skladom
16,- €
Do košíka

Gun Bore Rope Cleaner

Simply the fastest and most convenient way to clean your gun barrel, be it a pistol, a rifle or a shotgun. Simply drop the weighted end down the barrel, from breach to muzzle and pull through. Do so with or without solvent, as best suites you needs. One pull runs a copper bristle brush as well as a wide long swab down the length of your barrel. You do not even have to disassemble the weapon to clean! Can be complete in seconds, and your barrel will be ready for another session on the range or in the field. 

Available in pistol calibers .38/9mm, .40/10mm, .45. Rifle calibers .223 and .308, and 12ga shot gun.

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